Saturday, January 14, 2017


Manifestar paz es un proceso interno, establecer que tenemos paz, no necesitamos buscarla en ninguna parte, se trata de convertirnos en uno con la paz, para permitir que se manifieste a través de nosotros.
No debemos olvidar de nuestro poder de crear y construir realidades. El miedo es la causa raíz que previene la manifestación de paz en la vida. Afortunadamente la vida es sencilla y sencillo es modificar este estado por uno de paz. El miedo se manifiesta por dejar de creer en sí mismo, y depender de un factor del dinero.
Para erradicar ese miedo, basta identificarnos con la gratitud. Una persona que está en contacto con la realidad presente, es capaz de maravillarse con la vida y reconocer, apreciar, agradecer todo lo que la vida le ha dado. No existe diferencia entre lo pequeño y lo grande, todo lo percibe como algo bueno, esto lo inspira a vivir agradecido de la vida, y en consecuencia vivir en paz.

En paz consigo mismo primero, al reconocer todas sus necesidades reales y sentirse parte del mundo en que vive y manifestarse de la única manera en paz.
Una vez que adoptamos la gratitud como forma de vida y damos parte de nuestras regalías a nuestros congéneres, ya no hay lugar para el miedo, ni la escasez, hay gratitud por el aire que respiramos, por los alimentos que sustenta nuestra existencia, el agua que tomamos, tener un techo propio y hasta por las personas que nos aprecian.
Para llevar a cabo cualquier deseo es imprescindible creer en lo que estamos haciendo y focalizar nuestro pensamiento hacia unos resultados positivos, concentrando toda nuestra atención en aquello que estamos realizando. Todo deseo para realizarlo es cuestión de fe. Tenemos que verlo hecho realidad, he interactuar con él, el universo se encarga de hacerlo posible. Lo planteado es aprender a ser paz.

To indicate peace is an internal process, to establish that we have peace, we did not need to look for it nowhere, is to turn to us into one with Peace, to allow that it is pronounced through us.
We do not have to forget our power to create and to construct realities. The fear is the root cause that prevents the manifestation with peace in the life. Luckyly the life is simple and simple it is to modify this be in favor of one of peace. The fear is pronounced to stop believing in itself, and depending on a factor of the money.
In order to eradicate that fear, it is enough to identify to us with the gratitude. A person who is in contact with the enemy with the present reality, is able to marvel itself at the life and to recognize, to appreciate, to thank for everything what the life has given him. Difference between the small thing does not exist and the great thing, perceives all it like something good, it inspires it to this to live been thankful on the life, and consequently to live peacefully.
Peacefully with itself first, when recognizing all real needs and feeling like part of the world in which it lives and to pronounce themselves peacefully of the unique way.
Once we adopted the gratitude as life form and report of our exemptions to our same types, no longer there is place for the fear nor the shortage, is gratitude by the air that we breathed, by the foods that our existence sustains, the water that we took, to have an own ceiling and until by the people whom they appreciate to us.
In order to carry out any desire it is essential to believe in which we are making and focus our thought towards positive results, concentrating all our attention in what we are realizing. All desire to realize it is faith question. We have to do it fact reality, and to interact with him, the universe is in charge to make it possible. The raised thing is to learn to being peace.

Asdrúbal Perdomo S.
 Puerto Ordaz 13/01/2017

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